Friday, January 1, 2010

EVENT - Take a little gift to the Racquet club staff.

To start things off I decided to show some appreciation for the staff at the gym I attend. Recently I was checking their holiday hours and noticed they would be open today. At first I was surprised, but then realized they facilitate what is one of the top new year's resolutions. Still, I'm pretty old school in my thinking regarding who should have to work on holidays. In my view holidays are a time to be home with family and/or friends unless your job is critical, like medical and emergency personnel and such. Having a gym open on New Year's Day, not so critcal, you know?

Anyway, when I was making blueberry muffins for my family this morning I made some extra to take to the gym staff. I also made some mint brownies and sliced up some oranges from our tree - figured I'd hit various levels of nutrition for them to choose from. You should have seen their faces when I walked in, sat the plates and a thank you note on the counter and told them they were for them. There were three staff members behind the counter and all of their faces literally lit up. It was very cool. It was such a little thing for me to take a minute to say thank you with a note and a little food, but it obviously brightened their day. One of the girls even said, "You have no idea how happy you just made me with those blueberry muffins," and called me the world's greatest member. I've been told that food isn't love, and I get that, but with their reactions, that's a hard argument to make. To them today, food was definitely love.

BTW, I opted not to workout at the club today since, if I had my way, they would be closed. I didn't want to give them one more reason to think it's a good idea to be open today.

TIME - About 15 minutes, not counting the bake time since I was baking for my family anyway.

COST - $2ish for the muffin mix and a few cents of gas money to drive to the club and back.

EFFORT - Not much, though I did make a special trip to the club just for this purpose.

WOULD I DO IT AGAIN? - Absolutely. In fact I may plan on doing something similar for them periodically.

Other Cool Things - There's a 13 yr old quarterback who has raised over $6500 so far to help feed the hungry. (13 yrs old!) He calls his program Pennies for Passing since he gets donations for how many passes he completes. You can read about it on His name is Colton Roe and he's from Chantilly, VA. Go, Colton!

Question - Do you have any activitiy ideas for me? I plan on doing lots of spontaneous things, but I want to have some planned, too.

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